
Aug 15, 2019

Steps Of Construction – Meeting Your Site Supervisor

Steps Of Construction – Meeting Your Site Supervisor

If you’re looking for the boots on the ground in the Aston Homes building process, you’ll find them in your Site Supervisor. The Aston Homes Site Supervisor oversees all of the onsite tradespeople as well as contractors and suppliers. They play a pretty important role in the building of your dream home, so we understand that you want to get to know them! In today’s blog we unpack the first step in the Aston Homes construction process, meeting your Site Supervisor.

Meet And Greet

Who would have thought grabbing a coffee would be the first step in your construction process? Yet, that’s the Aston Homes way! As your Site Supervisor is the person who will be steering the ship during the building process, it’s nice to put a face to a name. A coffee catch-up allows you to meet your building supervisor in a casual environment where you feel relaxed. This works to promote easy communication, where all parties feel comfortable sharing important information or any concerns that may arise.

Take You Through The Timeline

While great coffee is part of this catch up, your Site Supervisor will happily talk business with you, too! They’re the true experts on the construction of your build from start to finish, so they’re the best placed to run you through the construction process step by step. Whether you have questions about the pouring of the slab or the quality of the brickwork, they’ll have the answers for you. You’re sure to have questions for your Site Supervisor throughout the process and they’ll be in contact often to touch base. They’ll happily swap details with you and reassure you that they’re simply a phone call away.

Real Talk With Real People

At Aston Homes, we build beautiful homes in communities we know and love. As our Site Supervisors and extended team live and work in Melbourne’s north and west, we aim to make a genuine connection with our clients. Our goal is that you feel informed, connected and supported every step of the way – and it all starts with a coffee!

At Aston Homes, we are one hundred percent focused on giving our clients the future they deserve. We believe in building trust-based relationships with our team members, our trades and our clients. That’s the Aston way. Get in touch with our friendly team to learn more about the Aston Homes difference!

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